Special Education
We work with the families, schools, community groups and other partners (NHS) to make sure that all children with various learning needs are included in main stream education. We focus on early identification of the learners needs and use the information gathered to determined the best pathway to make learning more accessible. We believe this is absolutely essential for every learner to make progress and be the best version of themselves.
We are passionate about families being involved in their children's education and be true partners with the educational institution enabling their children to succeed and be valuable members of the ever changing and complex society. Our philosophy is to engage the disengaged learners. We believe that some children may need extra support and guidance. Through this support network we are aiming to reduce the exclusion rates, Especially for children on the Special Needs Register (SEN) or waiting for an assessment.
We support children with additional needs such as:
Language and communication (speech & Language)
Social and Emotional Difficulties (SED)
Emotional and Behavioral difficulties (EBD)
Learning difficulties (dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia)
Neurological needs (ASD, ADD ADHD)
Attachment difficulties