Director's Welcome

It is our belief that all children deserve a chance to reach their potential, however it is our responsibility as professionals to break down the barriers to education and provide support for the child's mind, body and spirit. At IPIE Learning Centre, we aim to close the learning gap of learners who find learning challenging. The national curriculum assessment for key stage 2 (11 years old), in England (2019) reports 65% of the children nationally reach expected standard in reading, writing and Mathematics (combined); therefore 35% did not reach the national expected standards (combined). In GCSE (Exams for 16 years old), approximately 30% of the young people did not pass the English exam in 2018 and 29% did not pass the Mathematics in the same year. This report is even more worrying for vulnerable learners (children who face challenges while they are learning).
Being a Christian ecumenical learning centre for primary and secondary school children, we have a special ethos in which we pursue academic excellence. Embedded in our name are our values and approach to success. We believe these are effective tools to prepare vulnerable learners to fulfill their purpose in their society. We promote and support learners to have a clear identity (knowing who they are), understand their purpose in life with utmost integrity in the spirit of excellence. Our approach is very simple : Investigate, Plan, Intervene and Evaluate (IPIE). At the start of the programme, each learner is given a PILL (Planned, Independent, Learning, Level) which is accessible to the parents and all the professionals involved in supporting the learning.​ IPIE meets the learner where he or she is and supports the learner to make maximum academic progress.
A.Allen, Director
Meet Our Team

Richard Allen
(BA Theology, BSC Mental Health Nursing, RMN)
Mental Health Clinical Specialist

Ann Marie Allen
(Dip Ed, BSC Psychology, MA Teaching, NPQH)
Ropa Matibenga
(Dip Ed, BA Social work, Child care Law Pg Dip)
Welfare Lead Practitioner