Our Programs
As a mobile intervention team we offer support in Reading ,Writing, Spelling and Mathematics to a number of children in and around London. We support the children to be successful in school. We address various needs through investigating, planning, intervening and evaluating (IPIE). The intense and rigorous professional support that is given to the learner enables the learner to be successful. We secure success for every child by bridging the gap between home and school, provide personal tutors to address learning needs, track and monitor progress of each learner and cater for welfare and well-being of the learners (social, emotional and mental health support).
Teaching learners who maybe underachieving and need that little extra support
IPIE will work with vulnerable learners to ensure that they make progress. The intervention will address the gaps in the learning, restore the confidence of learners so that they can make progress in-line with the expectations for their abilities. Learners needs will be addressed in school, after school or at home. There will be tutors assigned (one to one ) to close the the gap.
Monitor and Track learners' progress using PILL
Well-being and Welfare
On entering the programme at IPIE Learning Centre, learners will be given a Plan Individual Learning Level (PILL). The PILL will determine the dosage of the intervention. The intervention will be planned, monitored and tracked by the success facilitator.
Our goal is securing success for every child. At IPIE we support inclusive education; as a result we support the learners to stay in school and work with them to make academic progress. Our programme seeks to improve the progress and achievement of vulnerable young people by investing in them and encouraging them to fulfil their purpose.
Included in the programme is a mental health assessment and support, early interventions with families, supporting communication with home and school. Improving learners' achievement in school will improve their self-esteem and give them hope for the future.
We work with young people who are achieving at below age expectations and those who have been there for years.